Thursday, March 29, 2012


Irronically, it has been exactly one year since I have been on here. I want to recommit myself to this blog. Let me explain why I had given up on it. I thought that I had to have it perfect wtih an original template and pictures with every post, but after a year I have learned that Gods words are more important than perfection. Yep, only took me a year. lol

Michael, my husband, gave me a beautiful priesthood blessing a few days ago and it has created such a peaceful Spirit in our home. I feel closer to revelation, and I feel better prepared to do this blog now, so please forgive me if the things that I say aren't perfect, I am only human, but I hope that they inspire everyone!

I believe in change! If you truly believe in Jesus Christ, then you do too. He is the power for all change! See, I have been trying to change for years...honestly, for my whole life. i just think that I have been going about it wrong. Here is an example, when I was in Jr. High and High school I hated to run the mile. I was always almost last to come in and no matter how hard I tried I could not change that! I am prettty athletic looking so to look at me you wouldn't think I was one who would come in so far behind the others.

It wasn't until I was a mother of one that I discovered what I had been doing wrong. My sister in laws were running together and I wanted to be included so taht meant that I had to buckle down and run too. I didn't really look forward to it, but the first time that we started out I bulted like a shot from a gun. I litterally left them in the dust. I can still hear my sister in law, Becky, saying, "Slow down, its not a race!"

It was a totally new concept to me that you can just take it easy and jog! It was strange at first but then I found that I could endure for longer. I could actually run long enough to get the runners high and for the first time ever I realized why a person could actually enjoy running!

My problem all along was that I was giving it litterally 100% in the first stretch and then burning myself out and struggling through the rest of the time. Change is like this in my life. I do the same thing, I go 100% and then I crash a nd burn because of it. There is so much to me that needs to change and if I try to do it all at one time then I wont get far. I need to view change for longevity. Endurance is the name of the game.

So when you find something that you need to change, take it slowly and work into it gradually. You will find the strength that you need through Jesus Christ and through patience with yourself.

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