Sunday, March 20, 2011


My name is Rivkah and I am the mother of three beautiful girls. All my life all I wanted to be was a mother. While growing up I prepared myself to sacrifice everything so that I could be a stay-at-home mom.

I have had many people tell me that being a mother means that I will most likely lose my identity. I don't believe that this is true, IF I can keep my feelings of self worth focused on the things that really matter. I will rely on my faith to help me keep my identity and nothing else.

I want to have a healthy self-esteem and think that there is room for improvement. I'm going to take a journey to heal myself emotionally. My objective is to gain a better self-esteem. I invite all of you, my readers, to come along with me. Share in my self discoveries and find some of your own, because I believe that every mother, career or homemaker, has moments of self doubt.

I plan on this process being four months long, I will post every single week on Sunday, and sometimes in between if I have some very important self discoveries to share. There are also a few books that I plan on reading and I will let you know what they are as I go so that you can read them too. If you want to.

So here goes, to opening myself up and showing all of my vulnerabilities!

Week 1: Month 1

My first thought of self-esteem is that, it is the way that we define ourselves. We define ourselves as who we believe that we are to different people. I say believe, because I have found that many times the way that I think other people view me is in reality all wrong, however, the way that they actually view me is irrelevant. It is irrelevant because perception is our only reality when dealing with self-esteem.

The most important relationship that we should allow to define our identity is our relationship with Heavenly Father. So I went to the scriptures. I asked myself, "Who am I in relationship to God?" I turned to Moses 1. This is where Moses is speaking to God. I think that the most important thing that Moses learns is that he is a child of God.

It is interesting that we can be taught this our whole lives, yet, we can still not fully understand it. When I read this I learned that because I am a child of God, I have an eternal purpose. I am not just a person, to Him, I am a Queen. To Him, I am a Priestess. When I try to see myself as my Father sees me, I see glory.

This causes me to look forward beyond the limits of this mortality into eternity. I think, "What are my goals for eternity?"

When Moses asked why God had created the world and all the people in it, God said, "For behold this is my work and my glory--to bring to pass the imortality and eternal life of man." I feel that, as a mother, I am helping Him to do this. I give them life so that Christ can give them imortality. Then I spend my daily efforts trying to teach them principles that would give them eternal life.

This is important! I think that because it is such a long term goal which seems so far into the future, we begin to lose focus and think too much about the immeadiate goals which we are making. Perhaps a goal to lose weight or for me the goal to sale my house. When we put too much stock into our immeadiate goals so that we lose sight of our eternal goal, our self esteem suffers.

Satan knows exactly how to tempt me into feeling bad about myself. He whispers to me, "Don't forget you want to be better at this, and you promised to try harder to do that, and you are failing to remember them, and that other mother is better than you at that. You are failing, falling short, not good enough." And as soon as he does I start running around trying to do and be everything in this world, while forgetting what my purpose is out of this world.

Knowledge is power, and I feel the power of the Holy Ghost strengthening me when I ponder on the FACT that I am not just a child of God, but a part of His divine plan. He loves me and He is relying on me to be a Queen and a Priestess. This truth is the same for you. He loves us with an infinite love. No matter what we have done, we are still entitled to become a goddess in the hereafter through the atonement of Jesus Christ.

This week, strive to keep that eternal perspective. Think about who you really are in relationahip to our Heavenly Father. There is no power that can bring you down if you remain focused on the truth. Treasure that truth!

When Moses was confronted by Satan after speaking with God face to face, he said things like, "Where is thy glory that I should worship you?" "behold, I am a son of God." and "I can judge between thee and God." Then in the name of the Only Begotten, he commands satan to depart.

So during this week, if you find yourself bogged down with feelings of worthlessness, remember who you really are and that the darkness comes from satan. You have the ability, as a priestess to command him to leave, in the name of our Savior. Then pray and ponder the reality of who you really are. At least that is what I intend to do this week!

Wishing you all the very best thoughts and feelings!

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