So I have been tracking my food habbits and have discovered that my over eating happens mostly when I am STRESSED, feeling yucky, or when I believe that the food will go to waste if someone (meaning me) doesn't eat it. The biggest one of these is my stress of course. So the next question is what are my stress triggers? There seem to be so many of them! I get stressed when I am behind schedule, when I think that someone is going to be upset with me for something, when my kids make a mess, when I have forgotten something, when I have something coming up that I feel I have a responsability for, when I think of something I have said in the past that may or may not have offended them. Whew! is that list long enough?
I have been spending time tonight reading up on ways to deal with stress. Here are the answers: 1) meditate 2) yoga 3)laugh and/or giggle 4) keep a journal. The interesting thing is that all of these things are things that i have loved, or felt were a strength of mine in the past. Somewhere along the path of life I have started to deam these things less important uses of my time, but obviously that has had a negative effect on my life.
Meditation is a powerful thing! I believe that the human being is made up of 3 seperate entities: the intellegence (mind), the soul, and the body. The absolute strongest of these is the intellegence. It is the you that is truly you! It is the part of yourself that you long to have loved unconditionally despite what your body looks like or even how your soul is. It is the part of you that must make the choices between every option of life. That is why I believe that the mind is the most powerful! So, to quote a song, "Whatever the mind can concieve and believe you will achieve!" I am sure that you have heard other quotes that are similar to this one, but I have found it to be so true in my life!
I have recently been stressing out about my weight and thinking that each day I probably gained a pound or two. I feel all the time that I look bad and my confidence is really suffering! Irronically, I am lighter than I was when I was in college or even the day that I got married. I haven't gained weight even after having my three girls! So what is it that makes me look in the mirror and think bad things? My mental control! This is why I need meditation daily so that I can strengthen my mind and feed myself with possitive perspective. I want to tell myself affirmations that I am the person that I want to be TODAY!
Yoga has been in the past my favorite form of exercise. I truly love it! I can't really explain why I have let that fall other than I let it not be important and let it slip from my priority. I love it because to me it is a prayer. The yogies believe that you cannot pray until you have brought your body into complete submission to your soul. This is done by having supperior mental strength! Exercising all three entities and bringing them closer together with this common goal brings us closer to God. I plan to do this 3 days a week. Now I know that it is not just for my body but every part of me NEEDS it!
Laugh and giggle. As a child I was well known for my happy attitude. I tend to be quite passionate so either I am very happy or I am very upset. Call me dramatic. But in my later years I have noticed that i have been more grumpy than happy. I blame it on responsability. Having so much to be responsible for all the time makes me feel inadequate. What could I do to lighten up? I don't want to do a gils night because I think that my problems will just be waiting for me when I get home anyways, besides I don't want to start associating the outside of my home life as good whereas my home life as negative. How can I start to really start to let loose and have fun at home? Any suggestions?
Keeping a journal is something that I have always done growing up, almost obsessively, but perhaps that is what got me through High School. So why have I stopped? I told myself that I didn't have time. Well now I see that it is journal or bust! I need this thereputic outlet to cope with my feelings. I feel things extremely deep. I think that is sometimes why I find it harder to express my feelings verbally. Ive had moments where I litterally could not speak because I was too emotional. Writing helps me so much! Im the kind of person who writes you a letter and then never gives it to you because once I have written it down I am over it. So it all makes sense and I am going to try to write in this Blog as my journal as often as possible. :)
Good night, and may your life have less stress in it because you have read this blog.
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